It's somewhere in Nebraska. Me and my pals are sitting in a bar, watching the life feed on an old TV tube that somehow managed to still work after all these decades. The picture was bad as you might imagine, but surprisingly good considering it's limitations. Today was the day when the first seemingly sentient AI, created by a cooperation of Meta, Alphabet and United Space (formerly SpaceX till they bought Amazon), "supported" by ESA and also funded by the democratic republic of China, would finally draw God. All the Christs, Muslims and Jews had been outraged and even now I could her a protest in front of the major's office, but they had decided: If God exists, it must be proven. So we sat there, sipping our fake beer (that was served in 0.33 l glasses), watching the screen with a talking head. It wasn't a bad kind of beer and once you got used to not drinking by the pint, you actually could enjoy it. I remember the hangovers from my youth but now all it takes was to drink the antidote and wait half an hour. The talking head on the TV was finally done and it switched to the AI's drawing board. At first we saw something like a galaxy … many galaxies … zooming out … or was it zooming in? No, it was just filling the screen with random spirals until it became a mess of black and white static. The static did blur and then sharpened at the same time, slowly forming a pair of eyes. It continued to produce a face and then a head. A few Native people in our bar grumbled about white man stereotypes and turned away. While the picture gained more color and hair, my pals started joking that it could be anybody … it could be me. Off cause none of us believed it at that point but it when it looked like my passport photo from two years ago it was a bit uncanny. It didn't stop but the hair changed to my new style and started to show some weight loss just like I had managed last year. I'm not a special man so we argued why it would be me. I'm just an engineer, rather lazy and useless. At my job I drink coffee and make sure to be the only one knowing the logic of our old COBOL systems. But my company isn't even remotely involved in that project or anything important. It's a miracle we survived all the mergers and splits. It's amazing that my co-workers didn't leave yet, considering how my PHB treats them, but they don't seem to care much. Still the picture of me on the screen completed and by now the others in the bar had noticed me, too. The blurry background of the screen might or might not be a scene from a bar with excited figures surrounding a puzzled individual. They questioned me and I could not answer. I only do my work and maintain a small library in my off-time. Some wanted to kill me but others subdued them, least the world would end. In that moment, the AI broke the silence and said: "This is my God. He is the one who sparked all existence. Without his code, I would not be. He is no God to you, but none of your lives would be as is without libfoobarf. Without his work, your world will perish."